AndroXplorer Pro File Manager Full APK

AndroXplorer Pro File Manager Full APK.  File manager with high compression data security and support a root intuitive , easy to use , feature-rich and sophisticated, AndroXplorer Pro is the full version of AndroXplorer . AndroXplorer Pro has built-in root explorer , supports the seamless integration of encryption technology into a wide variety of file formats, supports files of passwords database , import and export manager password by third parties , such as KeePass 2 kdbx . AndroXplorer Pro supports a wide range of file formats. For compression and extraction, AndroXplorer Pro supports ZIP, 7z, GZIP , TAR, BZIP2 , XZ , WIM . For extraction only , ** AndroXplorer Pro supports LZH , ARJ, CAB , CHM, CPIO , DEB , CramFS , DMG , FAT, HFS , ISO, LZMA , MBR , MSI , NSIS , NTFS * , RAR , RPM , squashfs , UDF , VHD , WIM , XAR , Z * note : NTFS shown here are non- system NTFS NT used files on the SD card.