ScreenDim Full 1.18 Full APK

ScreenDim Full 1.18 Full APK.  Is its screen brightness to minimum is too bright ? Dim your screen below what your device normally permits for comfortable use in darker environments , reading in bed, amateur astronomy, etc. ! No root required . Keep five brightness and contrast as a preset and recall touching a button or shortcut to launch (also ScreenDim Launcher provides a shortcut to switch between presets, and another launch shortcut to disable) . ScreenDim also creates a notification element in the state so that you can easily go back to adjust the settings bar . ScreenDim is the first controller which adjusts both the brightness of the background below that the system normally allows in many LCD devices and reduce the contrast. Some attenuators filter and reduce the contrast, which keeps unchanged the black areas and light gray LCD devices when in the dark and will not save the battery life ( and at least it is done in a way that reduces performance 2D screen about 30 % in my tests ) . Many other drives do not change the backlight normally within the range allowed by the operating system.